Home Tech

Years ago, technology for home automation was only upper class homeowners. Using cutting edge devices and paying hundreds of dollars for installation and maintenance wealthy homeowners were introduced to the simplicity of home operation. They were able to control a variety of their appliances from a clunky, ugly looking remote. Bordering on novelty and status symbol, homeowners bragged and showed off to their neighbors by closing the blinds and turning on the TV and air conditioning all while sitting on the couch. As ECMag.com recently covered, home automation has become much simpler in the last few years. Now homeowners of all statuses are able to open their home to technology. Replacing the old “brick” of a remote with their smartphone, the boundaries of control have become extended.

The technologies and features of home automation have even evolved. Home automation now allows homeowners to control EVERYTHING. Using their smartphone, homeowners can regulate room temperatures, control media appliances, set cleaning appliances to run during off peak times, control lighting, and monitor their security systems. The kicker is, they don’t even necessarily have to be at home to do this!  The latest in home tech options includes a variety of smartphone apps and devices that allow you to control your home from any location.

If you think about how far we’ve come since the early days of electricity being discovered, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Even in the short amount of time since home automation first emerged, it has made leaps and bounds over the last few years. No more simple operating tricks, no more worrying about being in range or working with temperamental electronics. Now, home tech and automation is simpler then ever.   All you need is the right electrician to set everything up, and the right collection of smartphone apps to control it. It’s open to everyone no matter what your economic status is.

As the winter concludes and spring begins to peek out, consider what kind of spring time projects you want to do this year. Besides converting over to a renewable energy, home automation should be on your list. With life being so complicated already why not make part of your living simple? Automate your home today and start enjoying the ease and simplicity!